A Blooming, Buzzing Confusion

Social media is becoming a bigger and bigger part of the academic workplace. In this episode we talk about its role and share some thoughts about ways that people use it. Should you even be on social media? What are good and bad ways to talk about yourself and your work? What are some other ways that social media fits in to academic work besides networking and self-promotion? How do you handle bad behavior and avoid it yourself? Plus: We respond to a letter from a new faculty member about contributing to open science when more senior colleagues may have reservations.


The Black Goat is hosted by Sanjay Srivastava, Alexa Tullett, and Simine Vazire. Find us on the web at www.theblackgoatpodcast.com, on Twitter at @blackgoatpod, or on Facebook at facebook.com/blackgoatpod/. You can email us at letters@theblackgoatpodcast.com. You can subscribe to us on iTunes.

Our theme music is Peak Beak by Doctor Turtle, available on freemusicarchive.org under a Creative Commons noncommercial attribution license.

This is episode 32. It was recorded April 16, 2018.

A Jury of Your Nerdy Peers

Peer review is central to how academics communicate our findings to each other. Today we dig in to some of the details of what it is and how it works. How did peer review become a part of academia in the first place? What are some common things about peer review that early-career researchers don’t know? What should you do when you disagree with an editor or reviewers? Should you sign your reviews? Plus, a letter writer asks us if it’s weird to keep living your life by unreplicable findings.


The Black Goat is hosted by Sanjay Srivastava, Alexa Tullett, and Simine Vazire. Find us on the web at www.theblackgoatpodcast.com, on Twitter at @blackgoatpod, or on Facebook at facebook.com/blackgoatpod/. You can email us at letters@theblackgoatpodcast.com. You can subscribe to us on iTunes.

Our theme music is Peak Beak by Doctor Turtle, available on freemusicarchive.org under a Creative Commons noncommercial attribution license.

This is episode 31. It was recorded March 25, 2018.